
Tasks studies - laboratory

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Task 1.

Create a folder named after your name and surname, with a folder inside it local, local2 and remote.

Task 2.

Go to the local folder and create a new Git repository there.

Task 3.

Go to the remote folder and create a clean remote repository with the command: git init –bare

Task 4.

Go back to the local folder and create a file called River.txt and place the text in it (Polish characters are not necessary):

W rzece Heraklita
ryba łowi ryby,
ryba ćwiartuje rybę ostrą rybą,
ryba buduje rybę, ryba mieszka w rybie,
ryba ucieka z oblężonej ryby.

Task 5.

Add a new file to the repository and commit with the description “fish”

Task 6.

Set the ../remote folder as the remote repository.

Task 7.

“Push” the current version of the repository contained in the local do folder remote repository.

Task 8.

Declare Git not to include .doc files in the repository and save this one change with the description “ignore .doc”.

Task 9.

Create a file junk.doc with the following content: “there is nothing interesting here”.

Task 10.

Save the log of changes in the repository in the log.txt file and add it to repository and save with the description “logs”.

Task 11.

Update the remote repository.

Task 12.

Replace the words “fish” with “cod” in the River.txt file.

Task 13.

Generate a file called roznica.txt containing the differences from original file.

Task 14.

Change to the local2 directory and clone the contents of the remote repository to it remote.

Task 15.

Add another verse to the Rzeka.txt file (in the local2/remote directory):

W rzece Heraklita
ryba kocha rybę,
twoje oczy – powiada – lśnią jak ryby w niebie,
chcę płynąć razem z tobą do wspólnego morza,
najpiękniejsza z ławicy.

Task 16.

Save the changes locally with the description “second verse” and then send them to the remote.

Task 17.

Go back to the local folder and save only the River.txt file to the local repository with the description “cod”.

Task 18.

Create a new branch “cod”.

Task 19.

While still in master, send changes to remote - this requires a solution conflict. The first verse with “cods” and the second one will remain in Rzeka.txt original verse. Leave the default commit description.

Task 20.

Go to the newly created “cod” branch and add a new one after the first verse the line “Cod went to the solarium!”.

Task 21.

Please add the file roznica.txt and Rzeka.txt in the new version to the repository in a new branch with the description “solarium” and send to remote.

Task 22.

Return to the master branch.

Task 23.

What file is missing and why? Place the explanation in the wyjaszanie.txt file and save to the repository with the description “explanation”.

Task 24.

Add a third verse, save it and send it to remote:

W rzece Heraklita
Ryba wymyśliła rybę nad rybami,
Ryba klęka przed rybą, ryba śpiewa rybie,
Prosi rybę o lżejsze pływanie.

Task 25.

Go to the local2/remote folder and add “Ah, that fish!” at the end of the file.

Task 26.

Please upload the packed folder with your name and surname to the website moodle